Octavia St. Laurent Photoshoot

Pepper Labeija performing

Dorian Corey being interviewed

Octavia St. Laurent Photoshoot

"Increased the line spacing so the words are not so forced together and easily lost."

"A turquoise color to frame images, which allows them to pop out and grab the readers', attention."

When I was first building my Wix portfolio for W131, I struggled and took long sessions to complete everything. It took an unexpected amount of time for me to adjust to using this site and creating an intriguing but not distracting background. Due to my lack of experience in building decent sites, I followed the tutorial given. I used the template suggested in the video which is an interior design by Demi Watson, https://www.wix.com/website-template/view/html/1592?siteId=44e504ec-9cbb-46f3-967c-249ad11e4b19&metaSiteId=29397457-62c7-45e5-88e0-cf618bdeed43&originUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wix.com%2Fwebsite%2Ftemplates%2Fhtml%2Fportfolio-cv%2F4&tpClick=view_button. I helped readers navigate my site by showing clear tabs of what information would be found on what tabs. My home page shows images of what will be talked about further into the site, to pique interest without spoiling what lies ahead while also introducing me to better understand how I would think about things.
When speaking about my experience I want readers to be able to understand me someway so they could understand certain reactions or ways of thinking. If I know nothing of "Amanda" and she speaks about the way she reacts to something I may be confused by her reaction unless she gives context as to why she may react that way. The about me is there for that circumstance and for readers to know my reactions are stronger than someone like me would have.
The links, resources, and hyperlinks are readily available for anyone to see so readers can go to those sources with any questions to learn and understand my writings better if I didn't explain information, failed to be clear, or raised a question that I did not answer. Internal hyperlinks are on the home page that leads directly to the film review to allow the first transition of navigating the site. The images on the site are all from Paris is Burning or other drag queens. Outside of drag queen images are images of me practicing and completing my drag look. I cited images from the movies by saying the person/scene and the film title.
I chose to use simple designs on the outside to not distract from the images and main points of the projects. I used a soft pink and eggshell white to border text and a turquoise color to frame images, which allows them to pop out and grab the readers', attention. I used Times New Roman for my text fonts with a medium-size for my main writings. Other texts I used were Enriqueta and Open sans for title and subtitles. I also used Bree to distinguish pullout quotes. The titles are different from the main text to allow readers to know what they are about to read. I did my best to keep the text consistent for each page. I made sure to put the attention details on the left-hand side and the main points on the right because our eyes are trained to read left to right. I also made margins smaller so there are fewer places to lose track. I also increased the line spacing so the words are not so forced together and easily lost.
My main goal in this multi-modal project was to diminish distractions and allow readers to get from place to place easily without losing track of where they were.