Research Into Drag Makeup
Drag is more or less viewed today as a creative art form and/or a means of self-expression. Therefore, it falls more accurately under the umbrella of gender expression — how we express our gender.
Buff Faye & Lilli Frost, QNotes
Firstly, before I even dug into the makeup portion and research aI had to look into what makeup was "essential" for these fabulous queens. I saw a few sites but the most comprehensive list was Queerty's. https://www.queerty.com/top-10-makeup-products-every-drag-queen-makeup-box-20141117. This list told me everything I needed to look for (and if I couldn't get the exact product, a similar one). There was also another essential I needed to learn, eybrow blocking! Although I struggled with this portion the best video I found of eyebrow blocking was with Celine Bernaerts video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjZBKiHSNxg&ab_channel=CelineBernaerts.
After all that I finally looked at tutorials for makeup. I watched many videos on this process and I believe the best one, and most helpful one I watched was by Kardi Blac, https://youtu.be/NE_9PX0s5a4.
After finishing up with what videos could help me through the process of applying makeup I looked into the history of maekup in drag. One video I saw that had interesting facts embedded was a video by Allure called "100 years of drag Makeup," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL7uM4uLT14&ab_channel=Allure. The most interesting one I saw was the one about army soldiers doing draga nd getting hold of makeup and dresses, it was said this boosted the morale of soldiers. Another site that helped me learn more about drag in general and went deep into the analysis of drag was QNotes. https://goqnotes.com/63312/exploring-the-world-of-drag/.